WP54G, AG and WPP54G, AG mssid update firmware changes ====================================================== MSSID Firmware: v3.00 build 0426 Changes: 1) Fixed: cfg file import/export bug 2) Fixed: upnp can't bootup 3) Fixed: CLI exit 4) Fixed: telnet enabled by default 5) Fixed: sysinfo client encryption 6) Fixed: DFS detection sometimes do not work. 7) Fixed: AP mode after receive adhoc packets may crashed. 8) Fixed: CLI dhcpstartip/endip bug 9) Changed: Czech domain for Indoor setting support only indoor channels and Outdoor setting support only outdoor channels. 10) Changed: After WAN setup must reboot to take effect. 11) Added: WDS2 support in Advanced SEtup. 12) Improvement: Common code firmware support for G and AG. Firmware v3.01 build 0518 Changes: 1) Fixed site survey can't open web page. 2) Fixed: class C subnetmask incorrect check for LAN and WAN 3) Fixed fragment bug 4) Improved: Suppress annoying output in syslogd 5) Fixed WDS2 ESSID WP54 v3.02 B0612 1) Fixed bandwidth control won't take effect after reboot 2) Added telnet timeout option in webpage, default 600s WP54 v3.04 B0618 1) Fix dhcp reserve bug WDS2 is actually a repeater mode with some differences in its setup and operation. In Repeater mode setup there is no need to setup any wireless channel. It makes it use RootAP MAC addr and/or ESSID to established the connection. After coonnected it will have te same channel as RootAP. When it lost its link with RootAP, it also lost its channel and subsequenctly the client that are connected to it. In WDS2 setup it need to setup a wireless channel matching the RootAP. It also use RootAP MAC addr and/or ESSID to established connection with RootAP. However, as it has it a wireless channel setup when it link with RootAP is lost it can still maintain it channel and client connected to ti will still be connected. Fw v3.00 is a big jump. There are some reasons for this. 1) This new fw now share common code for G and AG. Which means if you have AG model, you can change radio card to WLM54G card firmware will only changed radio setup to 802.11b/g mode and affect only the radio setup config. The rest of the configuration will not be affected. However, we can foresee all possible config wil lnot be affected. So the best is still to do factory default and reconfigure device. 2) New WP54 ship next month will be all AG loader only. i.e. if you order WP54G it will be AG loader + fw v3.00 + WLM54G If you order WP54AG it will be AG loader + fw v3.00 + WLM54AG So G and AG update the same firmware. This change will affect G model using G loader. It does not affect AG model. Currently all G model sold can only load G firmware only. To continue support we will still supply update firmware v3.00 that can load for G model. How to tell the difference between new G model (using AG loader) and old G model ( using G loader) ? Device with G loader the web page always display WP54G name. While new G model with AG loader always display WP54 name in web page User should check this first to see if he should use the new wp54 fw or the G model fw. The common fw filemane for both new G and AG model has the name "wp54 " ( without G or AG ) The G only fw filename will be like before always contain "wp54g". So its very easy to tell device need to upload which fw file. Same for WPP54 fw. Common fw will have filebname "wpp54" while G model with G loader will use fw filename with "wpp54g" This change will not affect AG model. i.e. fw filename "wp54ag" generally means is older fw below v3.00 while newer ffw filename is "wp54"