This firmware is for DR6018-Sm DR6018v2 and DR6018V3 boards. You need thsi latest firmware to run PINE wifi6 modules (QCN9074) DR6018v1 (CP01 reference design) needs another firmware (QCA reference) Upgrade instructions and instruction for using with PINE modules : - pls run the following command in uboot mode. The value of the parameter cnss2.bdf_pci0 is 0xa0 for 5G. 0xa1 for 2.4G. 0xa2 for 6E. setenv bootargs 'console=ttyMSM0,115200n8 ubi.mtd=rootfs root=mtd:ubi_rootfs rootfstype=squashfs rootwait cnss2.bdf_pci0=0xa0' saveenv The super username/password is root/asdf1234 The webpage username/password is admin/password If the Customer can not access the webpage, pls run the command "firstboot" by ssh to Factory default how to bridge etherenet and WiFi 1. brctl addif br-lan eth0 2.brctl addif br-lan ath0